(thread) i did it but i couldn’t have done it without @SamGolbach @ColbyBrock @SamandColby
thank you to all of my friends, family, teachers, and the staff of jumpertown high. i will forever be grateful for the friends both internet and real life. you guys have helped me through all of my ups and downs. you guys have been there through heaven and hell. here’s to many-
many more years as i progress through life. thank you all. i graduated with honors today. i walked off of the court with an ACT scholarship and a Coca Cola scholarship. i walked off of the court with a gold honor cord, a silver math and science club cord, and a red and black-
cord signifing that i will forever be a cardinal even if i am no longer a student. i walked away as a senior maid of the class of 2020. i walked away as Jumpertown High Christmas Queen. i walked away as one of nine students who received student of the month. there are so many-
memories that i wish i could share. from the memory of my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Durham, whom died of cancer not many years ago. Mrs. Durham was a kind, loving soul. she always encouraged us to do our best and always said this quote “Good, Better, Best; Never let it rest until-
your good is better and your better is the best.” to when my classmate, Cameron, had a little too much fun during one of our 5th grade parties and was rocking in his chair and fell and ended up with a huge knot on his head. to our 8th grade year when my friend, Dominic, had his-
leg ran over by his mom when he was walking out of the gym after a basketball game. he was completely okay. to our 7th grade year when my classmate, Tyler, got diagnosed with diabetes and was out of school for almost a month. too many memories. both good and bad. i am grateful-
for these memories. thank you all so much. i will post videos and stuff later. but for now enjoy these pictures in this thread.
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