
I Learned a new term today, “The Math of Public Good”. The concept is not new to me but I love this phrasing. It puts me mind of ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need’.

A. Maslow, in his psychological theory, lays out what he believes is the foundation to what he calls
“Self-actualization’. Being “self-actualized” simply means achieving the goal you set for yourself, or becoming the person you see yourself as.

Maslow posits that there are some “basic needs” that we must have in place in order to be able to reach the
goals we aspire to such as food and shelter. We need other things too, such as love and belonging, but it’s the basic needs that ‘the math of public good’ makes me think of.

If you add two positive numbers the result is a larger number. The math of society is no different.
If every person had access to the basic needs ALL of us benefit.

The ways we all benefit are too numerous for me to mention here but imagine a society where no one sleeps on the streets out of want. Then, they are no longer the victims of crime and they are no longer
the perpetrators of the crime of necessity.

Teachers, imagine not trying to teach students who can’t pay attention because they are hungry. Imagine students who are now able to achieve because they can now absorb what is being taught. Imagine what they could go on to be.
If you can, and you are like me, you are smiling now. I see you😊

This is a simple example of the math of public good. We owe it to ourselves to be force multipliers, to push for a more just society because we will all benefit.

The money spent on achieving this example
alone will be repaid in unimagined amounts. Reflect on the DREAMER's and how so many of them have added incalculable value to their adopted country.

This can be done and its not hard to do. This is an issue of ‘will we’ not ‘can we’.

Now apply the math of public good to
the abolishment of systemic racism. How great could America REALLY be? How many new, exciting and wonderful things could we have added, to the benefit of everyone, without the knee of racism on our necks?

Now look at how the ignorant and privileged are rebelling against the
science of what we need to do to fight COVID-19. It is has caused all of us to have to sacrifice longer than was needed to get this under control.

This is an example of what you get when you add a positive number to a negative number, the positive number takes a hit.
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