since y’all think biphobic jokes are funny all of a sudden here’s a thread of statistics about bisexuals that might make you rethink that
tw for this whole thread !
domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, suicide, homophobia
— bisexual women experience significantly larger rates of domestic violence compared to lesbians and straight women.
— 47% of bisexual men report having experienced sexual violence other than rape in their lifetime
— out of reported suicide attempts, bisexuals have been found to be 4 times more likely to attempt than heterosexuals and 2 times more likely than lesbians/gay men
— approx 25% of bisexual men and 30% of bisexual women live in poverty compared to 15% and 21% percent of heterosexual men and women, respectively, and 20% of gay men and 23% of lesbians. idk if this study is just from specific countries though, sorry !
— bisexuals are a third as likely to be out to their close friends and family as lesbians or gay men
— almost 60% of working bisexual people report having heard biphobic comments/jokes made in the workplace
— 49% of bisexuals report not being out to their coworkers, compared to 24% of lesbians and gay people
— 44% of bisexual youth reported that they have an adult they feel they can turn to, compared to 54% of gay and lesbian youth
— compared to heterosexuals, bisexuals reported double the rates of depression and higher rates of binge drinking
— the williams institute found that a third of bisexual people don’t report their sexuality to healthcare workers, leaving them without full access to necessary medical care
it’s important to note that nearly all of these statistics come from places where being gay is legal and their are laws in place to protect them, it may not be the same in all countries !
i didn’t make this thread to diminish the things that other members of the lgbtq+ community, or say that bisexuals have it the worst, just to try and make some people stop thinking the casual biphobia on twitter is okay
— one thing that i just found: 46% of bisexual women report having experienced rape, compared to 13% of heterosexual women and 17% of lesbians
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