Just thinking & had some further thought's on her awesome & on point thrso https://twitter.com/melanatedmomma/status/1276898713101725704
So, first, it's worth noting it isnct about "being" or staying high vibe. It's about recovering a high vibe.

Life can be stormy. You WILL get knocked down, there's no avoiding it. But can you learn to get back up fast, or do you get defeated & stay down?
No shame either way, but you'll feel better if you focus on feeling better. We stay defeated when we focus on the defeat, on how the other, the external overpowered us. Focused on its power over us, we remain overpowered.

Focus on our best feeling thoughts and habits, we recover
Second, as said elsewhere, we only can be overpowered by a low vibe person if our vibe resonates with theirs, so also low, or with an underlying belief they can trigger in us and cause that resonance which drags us down.
Third, if we self identify as "empath" it is likely we were trained into that role -- trained to caretake someone else. Which means they trained us to respond (resonate) to their ow vibe.

We feel guilty if we don't, and that's a lever a narc or broken soul can use.
Even if we are otherwise vibing high, with ptherwise good boundaries, that guilt is the disarm button on our healthy defenses. It opens the door, and then we're falling back into the old toxic pattern.
And you can see how it's even built into the empath identity. As empaths, we want to be good empaths. It's our core defining value. And it's a noble one, but it undermines us if there's a suggestion (or an accusation) that we're failing at empathy...
And that's the sense of guilt that brings our shields down.

So we're vibing high. Doing our thing. Then a toxic person tells us we're failing them, we're cold, we are a bad empath for not taking on their hurt, and if we agree, we lower our own vibe to join them, caretake them...
...and that's how our goats get got. And it's natural, bc we were trained this way, bc we define ouraelves by our empathy. The codependent toxic relnshp with a narc, borderline, troubled person is built right into that.

So we need to reexamine that before we can really be free
But if you're vibing high, then they say you're bad for failing to take on their hurt, if your boundaries are solid, you can see recognize their hurt but you don't take it on. The guilt bounces off.

You don't have to take it on. It's not your job & it doesn't actually help.
They may age for a bit but they'll sift out of your life.

Don't worry about em returning. You hold fast, they may come back for a sec, a brief storm, but sift out again just as quick. Keep your vibe high & they can't stay unless they match it.Just don't lower yours out of guilt.
*rage for a bit

holy crap -- that'll teach me not to tweet on my phone.
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