Why are companies bowing to Marxist thugs dishing out threats & ultimatums?

NY BLM President:
"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system & replace it..

..I just want black liberation & black sovereignty BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY."

Later in this thread you'll find a list of companies (including @Twitter ) who've publicly caved to BLM's terroristic threats & who've been foolishly guilted into the bogus movement called #BlackLivesMatters.

Do they all realize what the BLM manifesto calls for?

Do you???
The BLM manifesto calls for:
1. Destruction of the nuclear family
2. 50% cut in the U.S. military budget
3. Abolishing the police
4. End of capitalism
5. Abolish voter ID laws
6. Abolish electoral college
Etc, etc, etc...
⬇️ Read a breakdown here https://twitter.com/UnrollHelper/status/1276915129054121984?s=19
We must all realize that
#BlackLivesMatter is a money laundering scheme enriching Democrats.
When you click to donate to BLM, it takes you to #ActBlue - & when the money is 'unclaimed' (by design) the money is dispersed according to their wishes.
Picture: #ActBlue 2020
You can follow @RubyRockstar333.
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