Our current Rep has never held a town hall; he claims he prefers to meet w/constituents one-on-one but it took me SIX MONTHS of calling his office WEEKLY to get an appointment w/ his staff, and I was told a meeting w/the congressman simply wasn't possible. #WinWithHector
I couldn't even go to the meeting myself because I was given 3 days notice and it was scheduled for the middle of the day (this was back in the Before Times when we were all expected to physically be places). #WinWithHector
The meeting was about why our Rep should support the Green New Deal (he currently doesn't!), but his staff member instead complained that there were too many environmental groups in the district, they've already met w/other ones, they're endorsed by Sierra Club etc #WinWithHector
So the reason I'm going to #WinWithHector is because he A) actually supports the Green New Deal - we don't have time to be fucking around on climate change, folks! Hopefully the disastrous results of delayed COVID response has taught us that??
And B) he's pledged to make it easy for his constituents to talk to him w/regular town halls across the district! #WinWithHector
On top of a whole slew of other good stuff - Medicare for All, affordable housing, cleaning up corruption, he's not taking any corporate money! #WinWithHector
If all this sounds good to you, please chip in a few dollars to his campaign (which is crushing it, btw!): https://secure.actblue.com/donate/hector-oseguera

check out his website: https://www.oseguera2020.com/ 

sign up to volunteer (from home!): https://www.oseguera2020.com/en/volunteer 

And VOTE!!!! #WinWithHector
Election day is 7/7 but mail in your ballot NOW if you haven't already, you don't even need a stamp! Check out this handy guide if you have questions: #WinWithHector https://twitter.com/HudProgressives/status/1273720108653916164
You can follow @caitlin_ps.
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