May regret this but give me your reasons why disabled people who a science-based MD has determined are unable to maintain employment in the workforce should be forced to live their lives in poverty.

Govt doesn't have enough money is off the table bc tax the rich.

TBC this isn't a 'debate me' tweet. I probably won't reply but I want to hear your reasons why because clearly everyone is OK with this since none of you have said boo about it.
Reason I'm asking is because I don't think I should have to beg my govt for money. I don't think I should have to go to the press and put the hardship on display. So I want to engage not with your 'empathy' but your reasons. So let's hear them.
Do you disbelieve the doctors?
Do you dispute that I am human?
You know the costs of living in our society, you know humans require food, water, shelter and clothing at bare minimum - but do also remember this amount is for a lifetime, not temporary.
Do you think people who can't work should not be allowed to live?
I'm pretty sure Fraser Institute has argued for a return to poor houses. Is that your view?
You need to have a reason why you've been OK with disabled people's poverty. So what is it?
Policy like this, where it's been deliberate, is a reflection of the govt (all levels) being confident that leaving disabled people in poverty pre and during the pandemic would not hurt them at the polls. They're sure they have your consent. So I want to know why you've given it.
It would be absurd to suggest that *poor* disabled people have not been considered during the Covid-19 response and that the lack of financial support was just an oversight. Oops. We know that's not true. We were considered (expendable) when triage protocols were estabished.
So no one forgot about us. Stop attributing to incompetence things that are a deliberate decision.

No one is unclear the poverty is violence. No one is unclear that the level of benefits is well below poverty line. So let's not pretend. Let's be grown-ups & tell me why.
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