I’m sick of this “Jesus’s race” BS.

But since it’s a big deal, here are some facts.

Jesus was not white.
Jesus was not black.
Jesus was a bloodline Jew... sooo... his skin was dark, and since sunscreen wasn’t a thing back then, he may have held a bronze honey color.
2/ There are no depictions of Jesus’s skin color in the Bible. I’m not going to “read” the Bible to you if you need clarification, because that’s your job. But I will give hints, so to speak... There are a few lines, backing his heritage.
3/ There are also lines stating he was not one anyone would look at, at random, but believers in God would recognize him. It was also said that he was “fairer” than most men of that time.
4/ Why Jesus was painted white throughout earlier history had nothing to do with “race,” but because of Bible components depicting God and since Jesus is the Son of God, it’s understandable of how historical artists made the assumption.
5/ If you’ve ever taken a Western Civilizations or Religions class, you’ll get learned in this. God is explained in the Bible as a “BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT,” so blinding that no man could look upon him without dying.
6/ So, in order to express God’s connection to Jesus in their art, the color “white” was used to show neutrality. And WHITE as a color... not a race... was one of the first colors ever used in art.
7/ The great Artist, Leonardo Da Vinci was Italian. He held a tan complexion but painted himself as white.

Another great Italian Artist, Michelangelo, who was also of tan complexion, painted The Sistine Chapel and all the little Cherub Angels, God & Adam, etc as “white”...
7 continued... because white was seen as a neutral color, to allow the viewer to fill in the gaps, so to speak.

And to say Italians had no idea about African existence... well... here’s a map. (They were aware)

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