So I've been going through a rough ass time and I think I have severe PTSD and to make a long story short I'm a mess and need to get diagnosed and on disability cause I can't live like a normal person anymore I've done this for 20 years I don't have anything to stand on anymore
My doctor and councillor say I have PTSD but can't actually diagnose due to not being a psychologist :( they try to help but its not enough anymore i need some serious help dedicated to the exact issues
I've only told 2 people what's going on too so hello Twitter now you know how mentally unstable I am
Like all I want to do is sleep and hide snd cry everything overwhelmes me so much and because of that I feel nauseous all the time and I'm supposed to go back to work next month and then uni in sept like HOWWW
And if I get disability I won't be working so like... is getting a degree even worth the time and money then if it wont go to use? But I've worked my ass off in school to get this like straight A's and a 4.0 like why is this happening to me
School is different from work cause its less stressful and not as many interactions with people and just... idk it doesn't make a lot of sense but I feel SAFE there and I never ever do at work its horrifying. No matter where I work.
And that's all for my TED talk for now thanks
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