1/4: Signs of TDS: A Guide. There’s a common set of public symptoms for otherwise educated people succumbing to Trump Derangement Syndrome: 1) Almost everything they post is about Trump and in any actual in-person conversation of any real length, Trump will be mentioned...
2/4: ... 2) Ability to check even the most outrageous & non-certifiable claims about Trump disappear. 3) Public signs of interest in anything non-political/not connected to Trump evaporates. This is true even for people who once had truly varied interests or causes...
3/4: ... 4) Their very few non-Trump-related posts or comments will be filled with pseudo-religiou/inspirational “messages.” 5) All meaningful discussion & debate is lost. The once indefensible becomes something these people now publicly support...
4/4: ... 6) Social media has enhanced this mental disorder & multiplied it to the extent that the sane are now seen as crazy by the growing number of inmates running the asylum.
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