I mean...hello, rural Utah (and related community leaders therein*)! ⬇️ If even this dyed-in-GOP-red guy is sporting a mask and admonishing us all to wear one, what’s yer real issue? I mean, surely you don’t think THIS GUY is advocating for trampling on your liberties, do ya?! https://twitter.com/liz_cheney/status/1276591702321647616
Even Epidemiologist @DrAngelaCDunn is sounding the alarm (fair warning!⚠️) that the ability to slow contagion is w/in our own power - as individuals, without a State/govt mandate. Why not prove that we are a responsible culture and community and do it on our own, w/o compulsion? https://twitter.com/utahpolicy/status/1276609667662258176
I mean, gosh...if SLCo Mayor @JennyWilsonUT and I even agree on a policy, it might actually have some merit ya know! In this thread of hers, she offers some pragmatic guidelines for when to wear a mask

(😉 she’s such a great sport and we have very good policy debates sometimes) https://twitter.com/slcomayor/status/1276573345568354304
And lest you know of friends that have fallen for the conspiracy that masks aren’t effective and/or that it’s some sort of Mainstream Media #MSM plot to keep someone in or out of office, I think it’s pretty persuasive when an association of family doctors tells us all to wear ‘em https://twitter.com/utah_afp/status/1276176867536498689
Utah is a wonderful state.
One of the best examples of why I love our state is that we often act according to our beliefs, like showing respect for one another. Well, I agree on how best to show that mutual respect these days ⬇️ https://twitter.com/utahcoronavirus/status/1276243838680662017
Even though it’s been said in this thread already, it’s worth repeating: Even healthcare workers, who daily wear masks when they perform their jobs because it’s safer for them and us, admonish us to wear masks as we go about our social interactions. 😷 https://twitter.com/latimeswharton/status/1275964304936669184
I mean, even sports fans/writers agree that if we want to see the return of some of our favorite hobbies, wear one.

Not to mention that if you’ve learned your kids are better off receiving educational instruction by teachers in a classroom instead of at home...well, you get it. https://twitter.com/benvolin/status/1276119953045893120
You can follow @ShawnMilne.
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