President Trump has defied the Left's attack on Faith & Family & now the #Soulwar is underway.
We all know which **PRESIDENT**they're REALLY trying to remove.

The President who is undoing their stealthy & insidious progress towards a FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED America.
From a Constitutional Republic to their Totalitarian Wet Dream.
They are sending President Trump a MESSAGE.
"Your Days are numbered!"
Right now they are attacking/removing Statues to make their point.
People familiar with Marxist Doctrine know exactly where this is leading.
When they're done with Statues or prevented, PEOPLE are next.
The escalations are mounting.
Their Pandemic FAILED.
(Yes MSM, Social Media & Political Operatives disguised as Medical Professionals are hyping COVID to the max, but America has moved on)
Their long planned Insurrection is faltering
(Actually defeated in THREE DAYS)
They set FIRE to a Church just across from the White House.
The next day President Trump walked over to stand in front of that place of worship & held up his Mother's Bible.
See the Weathermen's Strategy?
Their plan to UNMAKE America & recast it in THEIR image
The MOMENT President Trump held up that Bible, the
#SoulWAR began in earnest.
Many have fought it for years, preparing & steeling ourselves.
Now it is here.
& you will find you cannot remain indifferent.
THEY will not allow that.
Your SILENCE is violence, you see.
I saw this coming during the Obama years. They were preparing the ground even as we were.
"Safe Spaces"
"Room to destroy"
"Words ARE violence"
Building Minds devoid & HOSTILE to reality as it is.
To BLOW UP on you & the country.
LOOK at this woman.
She's been made unreachable.
She's enraged & wants to destroy a Statue paid for & commentated by Freed Slaves.
The old man can't reach her at all.
This is a microcosm of the problem. https://twitter.com/_sagnikbasu/status/1276682947895197697?s=20
There's NOTHING we can do to reach people.
The Polarizing Break is here.
The #SoulWAR has begun.
One Side's Reality is going to UTTERLY & completely implode.
The one that has lost all form of SELF-CORRECTION in lieu of impossible political ambitions.
Not our fault.
We must weather this Storm.
A Storm that will consume them.
You cannot reason with madness & these people have been DRIVEN insane.
Their very humanity had been crushed & now they're coming for yours.
It's not our JOB to confront violent Lunatics.
I'm not going to climb down a Tree to kick a Rabid Wolf.
I don't advise you do that either, President Trump, the DoJ & ANYONE ELSE given Authority via the STAFFORD ACT?
It IS their JOB to defend & protect us.
Let them do their JOB.
All WE can do is mess things up.
"What a beautiful BLACK SKY!" Someone said once.
He had 2 POLITICAL OPERATIVES pretending to be FBI Agents in his Office s he MUSED to himself, looking out a window, COMPLETELY RELAXED as they tried to destroy his life & career.
The Agents were unnerved as, several minutes later, the Patriot looked out the window to a CLEAR, BLUE SKY & said again, "What a beautiful BLACK SKY!"
They wondered what the hell he was talking about.
Well, I can explain.
A struggle to the DEATH has just been engaged, OPENLY now as before it was Covert.
Human Liberty (Americana)
Slavery (Marxism)
Only ONE Path for Humanity is going to survive this.
Marxism never had a PRAYER.
They consider THIS image TRIGGERING.
Family & Faith are their BANE.
The beautiful BLACK SKY is a Herald of the FLOOD that is going to wash our Land CLEAN of the scourge that has plagued the World for a century.
The Left sold their Souls for POWER.
That is not hyperbole.
They are descending back into the Primordial before your eyes.
All I can say is that Trump & MANY OTHERS have been working diligently & JUST AS RUTHLESSLY **under the Radar** preparing for this #RECKONING.
They get ONE SHOT at this.
ONE only.
So they have slowly & methodically been preparing.
Yes, it's infuriating it's taken YEARS...
But they are about to BURST THE DAM.
A Dam created by a Deep State that was more a CULTURE than a cohesive cabal.
Agencies almost completely comprised of Leftys.
MOST Law abiding.
Trump & Company have worked MIRACLES despite this.
When it BREAKS=
Their escalations spell their Doom.
All they had to do to avoid this in 2017 was to STOP.
They CAN'T.
Obama took the Olive Branch Trump offered, snapped it in two, then tried to jam it up his nose.
They're DOOMED.
Look at them.
they know it.
America will finally be free of them, yes it was a LONG SLOG, but the Dawn that's coming will amaze you.
& it's going to happen a lot SOONER now, thanks to these unhinged, deadly buffoons.
So cool your Jets, TRUMP'S GOT THIS.
Prepare for a new Chapter in the #SoulWAR
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