That story of the mother who poisoned herself and her kids jut took me back to a very dark place in my life where I was so depressed and unhappy but no one could see it...
People joke about how wild I used to be and I’m sure a lot of them don’t know or realize that during that time I was really fucken depressed.
At the height of my depression I’d finish a bottle of vodka alone, pass out and do it all over again.

I couldn’t sit still. I had to be somewhere, doing something just to keep busy. And partying was the only thing that seemed to help distract me from what I was going through...
From the outside it seemed like I had everything figured out. I had a great job at a great company at that time, was driving great cars and I was popular-nyana. But that wasn’t enough. I was still empty AF
One of the reasons why even I didn’t realize I was depressed is because I seemed to have things under control, but that wasn’t the case.

And at that time there was no one I could talk to. Or maybe I was just not comfortable talking to anyone
I’m just glad I was not suicidal and that I somehow managed to get myself out of that mental abyss...

One thing I can say is that we need to open up more about what we are going through before it consumes us.
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