1. These people who claim breathing problems prevent from wearing masks always identify as GOPrs.

2. You need *severe* breathing issue for a mask to be a problem.

3. You can't scream with a such a problem without setting off the problem. Screaming is more dangerous than a mask. https://twitter.com/iam_johnw/status/1276908636074360833
...4. People with actual severe breathing problems all know that, they are high risk, meaning if they catch Covid, they have a very high probability of death.

5. As a result, organizations for people with severe breathing problems issue advisories for how these people can.../2
...survive in a high risk scenario for fatalities with Covid. The woman at Trader Joe's is following none of them. (One of them is essentially "Dont go to frigging Trader Joe's.") List attached below..../3
.....in other words, ALL of these people yelling and screaming about having breathing problems that lead their doctors to say "dont wear a mask" are lying. They are showing NO breathing problems as they scream, if they have severe breathing problems - which is required for.../4
...there to be any problem with a mask - they know that screaming sets it off. If they were telling the truth, they are putting themselves at HIGH risk of death (people with severe breathing problems also take enormous precautions when its "just the flu" because they could.../5
...also die. Finally - if they have spoken to a doctor - they know all of this, they would have been briefed on keeping themselves safe. And, for them, getting Covid (or just the flu) is infinitely more dangerous than wearing a mask.

In other words, shut up Karen. Stop lying.
..1 more. I told my MD wife about this video; she laughed. She said medical records for ppl with severe breathing problems in hospitals include "cant speak in complete sentences" meaning they cant get a whole sentence out without gasping. Anyone who can doesnt have severe problem
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