Ima share a bit of my story regarding Evangelicalism. My father was a preacher. He was good looking, very charming to those who did not know him & one of the most most abusive men I’ve ever known. Ima share parts I’m comfortable sharing on this platform. He held guns to my head..
played Russian roulette with my life .. for fun. He beat me. He tried to break me. He joined with the father of my children to take them away from me bc I’m queer. They won. He would beat me and put me front and center in the pews on Sunday’s as an example of how to break a ..
child’s will. He terrorized my friends. Family. In the name of white Jesus. He formed a prayer chain on the day of my (pretty much forced) wedding bc I started my period & wanted the church to pray I stopped so the marriage would be consummated. He beat my niece bc she had ..
red eyes in a pic taken from a shitty camera and he was gonna “beat the devil outta her” - There’s much more but I don’t wanna talk abt it anymore. So, yes .. I know the lengths of abuse white evangelicals go to for their Jesus. I know the cult like the back of my hand. And way
more should be done to expose them for exactly who they’re. I’m thankful for @C_Stroop and other ex evangelicals trying to keep this front and center. There are many off shoots of Evangelicalism. Everywhere.
So you can turn your head and refuse to believe it .. or you can finally wake up to what’s been happening all along.
You first have to accept that this is a cult. Then treat it accordingly.
And no. I don’t have a PhD in theology or religious studies .. I just lived it and was lucky enough to physically survive it. In spite and despite them.
And yes ... children of evangelicals die & are permanently harmed all the time from lack of healthcare etc bc their parents think they can pray away things and that if their child dies it’s gods will. Period. The end.
@bkgut3 just so you know this stuff happens all the time and always has.
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