Ayy boys, serious topic here. In the current political climate the pendulum has been swinging harder and harder. We are now in the heart of 'Cancel Culture' where anyone who does not espouse to what my tribe believes must be crucified.
I have seen good men and women be strung out and quartered in the name of Social Justice. A lot of us have just sat by while this has happened. Some of us have started to leave Social Media sites to other friendlier platforms.
This is not the answer. We must stand up and defend those around us. We must not retreat into our own little circles, and create even louder echo chambers for ourselves.
Isolationism is never the answer. Push back on narratives that you find problematic. Don't let others shame you into silence. Stand up for what you believe in. In the act of challenging others, you yourself may even grow and change certain views.
Don't sit an be silent. Many of you on here have put your money where you mouth is by serving your country honorably. But our work isn't done. We are now fighting for the very soul of our nation. We must not let Marxist bully us into silence.
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