thread of the kinda people I think we all need:
1) People who listen to you properly and reply to every part of conversation and don't miss out what you said even if you're talking in a group.
2) People who introduce you to your friends when you don't know them and make sure everyone is feeling included in the conversation and if someone isn't talking, they'd ask questions and make sure that they talk back.
3) People who accept you even when your opinions, thoughts, ideas don't match with them because they know you're a good person so other things don't matter as much :')
4) People who no matter how broken you are, would tell you that they believe in your potential and that they'd be there for you even if you fail at stuff. They believe you when you don't believe yourself and you pick you up every time you fall down.
5) People who speak truth knowing that it might make people dislike them but it doesn't stop them from being honest. They won't lie to you and say that "you're perfect". They're needed to give us a reality check + they're usually hardest on themselves.
6) People who treat ''everyone'' kindly and well. They aren't kind to you for some special reason, they're kind to you because that's how behave with everyone.

Almost everyone differentiates but still it's commendable to see people being so accepting.
7) People who don't talk against your back or reveal secrets you shared with them, even when you had a huge fight with them.

When people respect your privacy when they're extremely angry tells a lot about them and their dignity.
8) People who are stubborn, it's basically the attitude of not giving up which is really admirable. They won't give up on their dreams, on their relationships, friendships or anything easily. They try to make things work till the end.
9) People who notice. They'd notice the difference between "I'm fine" and know if you're actually fine or not. They wouldn't ignore you if said that you're feeling depressed, tired, low and would actually talk to you about it.
10) People who realise that no one is inferior or superior to other as everyone have their own special traits and qualities.

End of the thread. "People you need in your life" includes you too. Never underestimate yourself ♥️
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