OK HEAR ME OUT knb wouldn't have happened if he didn't become friends w kuroko bcs that's literally where it started. ogiwara was kurokos entry to the game, his push to slap some sense into the gom, and then he was there during wc FOR HIM we need MORE OF HIM PLEASE https://twitter.com/gayzumi/status/1276873735186771968
BUT ALSO!! i understand he was not in a good state when meiko was fucked with by teiko (which was super shitty wtf guys) but i feel like we missin smth? like did he just cease contact w kuroko after the game? completely?? idk i feel like if that were the case, he should've
talked to kuroko AT LEAST once bcs they were best friends (as kuroko said)?? he was hurt ik and we all cope our own ways but kuroko was hurting too i wish he heard him out on it but also ik he must've felt super shitty to even be near kuroko bcs teiko and gom and :(((((
I HOPE NOBODY COMES FOR ME LIKE I GET IT I UNDERSTAND OGIWARA WAS OBV HUMILIATED AND FELT HORRIBLE BUT ITS JUST I can't say hes blameless if he /did/ just ghost kuroko like that like there's already a miscommunication it just got WORSE IDK BYE WORD VOMIT BUT I DO LOVE U OGIWARA
i did not think this thread through the order is all wrong
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