1/ "We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable. If you had written a plan for making a complete bollocks of things you would have come up with this one." https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/06/26/the-lockdown-is-causing-so-many-deaths/
2/ "The really concerning thing is that if all the deaths taking place during lockdown are put down as Covid-19 deaths, we are going to miss the fact that the lockdown policies have caused an increase in deaths from many other things."
3/ "Dare question the orthodoxy and you face a full broadside. People want to be seen as caring. But the economy is pretty important. If you do not have an economy, you do not have a health service. If you do not have a health service, everyone dies."
4/ "Epidemiologists would rather overestimate a threat by 100 times than underestimate it by 10%. These models will always hugely overestimate risk... If they are proved wrong, they can say it was just as well to warn people..."
5/"We are probably all going to get Covid-19 and we are all going to keep getting it. The only purpose of lockdown was to protect the health service from being overwhelmed, which did not happen. The end result is that lockdown was a waste of time. It cannot be continued forever."
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