White folks need to stop causing harm by countering the lived experience of BIPOC with their own experience
Use your journal, your therapist, your other white friends to process your guilt, hurt, pain -->deal with it but keep working
Valuing small wins and prioritizing harm reduction
White people had to feel pain in order to pay attention - and in this pandemic, we suddenly could not look away (no distractions, no sports, etc.). Kim is showing us why >now<
White folks want to be seen as an individual, and want Black folks to be representative of all Black people.
Black police officers have to assimilate into white supremacist culture of policing. Black teachers have to assimilate into white supremacist culture of education. Black professors have to assimilate into white supremacist culture of higher ed.
"You get to anti-racism by going through your racism." 12-step analogy - step 1 is admit you have a problem.
Whiteness is not creative...it's about co-opting, appropriating.
"Fuck your opinion if your opinion is about harming me." Yes!
"When whiteness is centered it stays in the shallow end of improving inclusion and diversity." Dr. Clayton is telling me how, by centering myself, I do the least - the bare minimum - not enough to make positive, long-lasting change.
"Stay humble," "reflect and rebound" - you probably aren't as far along the anti-racist continuum as you think you are - you still have a lot to learn.
White privilege is... the expectation that actions will be viewed through lens of "assume positive intent," "compassion and empathy."
"White women breed white supremacy...white men have built it, but white women maintain it."
@KimCrayton1 #AntiRacistEconomist guiding principles - considering how this framework applies to public education
"There is nothing redeeming about whiteness."
"Having mixed babies is not going to end racism. That's a eugenics experiment that has failed. If you have Black babies, make sure they have a Black education."
"Do not enlist your Black friends to help you...this is enlisting them in service to you." Talk to white people to help you unpack your white ignorance.
"Getting out of the cult of white supremacy...work on reprogramming yourselves"
I don't get to decide what Black spaces I get to be invited into. Black people get to choose whether or not to include me in their space (heart, time, energy). When a Black person tells me to stop, I need to listen.
Just because I know OF a Black person on twitter, does not mean that I know THEM. I do not get to make demands of them, but as Kim Crayton says: "Whiteness is never told no."
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