So it's mostly a good thing that brands and TV show characters are being changed buuuuuuut I feel like some of them are about as effective as when Spielberg replaced guns in E.T. with walkie-talkies (1/?)
I heard this morning that the Dixie Outfitters in Branson is now called Believe in America and all the battle flags are coming down.

Okay? But the store still exists. Same clientele. They'll sell other dog whistles.
I'd rather they just Not Exist anymore. By closing down by themselves or cleansing fire, idc. Or they'd do a 180 in their beliefs, open a completely different store and donate to Elijah McClain's gofundme.
I abandoned this thread mid-tweet to do errands but yeah to wrap this up I worry the trend is just a band-aid solution so they can go "see we're not racist!" while not addressing more pressing issues.

I was also going to mention Cleveland from Family Guy as another example
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