“My Benst friend,” she had called him, one drunken night in law school, and it stuck. She loves him with a best friend love. But he still has time—he can still find the words to tell her his whole heart is hers.

After all, her wedding isn’t until tomorrow.

Also, did I just write my first ever @reylo_prompts submission!?
They’re sprawled in her hotel room after the rehearsal dinner: her on the couch, him in an armchair. She’s half lying down and her dress is hiked up, like it doesn’t matter if he sees her like this. Alone. In her room. With a bed barely ten feet away.

Because he’s her friend.
She fiddles with the hem of her skirt. “You’ve never really told me. What you think about Finn.”

He clears his throat. “Sure I have.”

“No you haven’t.”


“𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭?” she laughs. “Okay, 1920’s gangster.”

“He’s really top notch.”

She sits up all the way.
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