Short thread: I watched Princess and the Frog last night and while I think it was a well made and cute move, out of the gate and throughout the entire film there were racist and misogynist tones.

I don’t think this the film to correct a “wrong” in Splash Mountain
A black girl failed to reach her dreams on her own and needed a white man to pay her to kiss him so she could do so.
That same uneducated dialect that troubled people in SOTS is the same exact thing as how firefly Ray speaks.
SOTS is problematic but there are some parallels (not good ones) to PATF.
Alternative view: SOTS ends with blacks and whites in unity. PATF ends with a black girl doing the only thing that would help her achieve her dreams: marrying a white man.
The difference between the current Splash Mountain and the proposed is that after riding the current one, children don't go and watch Song of the South. They don't even know it exists.

They will however, go home and watch this:
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