Bro, I am tired of transphobic Black women. It's getting to be too much. If you're a Black woman, destabilizing the gender binary and questioning normative gender is in your best interest.
Y'all would rather chase after the pedestal of white womanhood than consider some new ideas. Count me out.
You're never going to get what white women have because you are BLACK. Your Blackness is the obstacle. It's not your clothes or your hair or Black men. As long as you are Black, you cannot embody idealized femininity. It was made to keep you out.
To clarify, I do not think femininity is only for white women. I do think the construction of femininity that some black women embrace that leads them to be transphobic, classist, fatphobic etcetera is based in ideals created to put white women on pedestals.
Be whatever kind of feminine you want. That doesn’t concern me. Don’t use that as an excuse to be bigoted and don’t present your individual choices as solutions to structural problems.
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