ok so, i think it’s noticeable that the more passive and sympathy inducing queens, howard and seymour are played nearly entirely by white women, even though black women have auditioned for these roles but then been cast as cleves for example, this gives a feeling that these women
who are more passive and virtuous are roles for white women, while black women play the powerful, independent roles like aragon and cleves, which are brilliant fucking roles i may add and i have no criticism of this but the strong distinction, especially with seymour does send
a message that black women and women of colour are primarily strong women, and i’m sure everyone has seen how dangerous in the world this can be with in the medical field, black women being seen as inherently stronger and not given pain medication that can lead to death and then
i think you start to see why only casting white women as seymour does have a clear distinction and although this may be unintentional, it is there and it is ok to discuss this openly, your favourite show does not have to be flawless and it can be open to discussion
okay, well notice how at the end of parr’s song she becomes probably the strongest character where she speaks about revolution and this isn’t a passive role, she becomes inspiring as her role does not revolve around sympathy by the end of it but empowerment instead, therefore
again, this is a role, which i love and have no criticism of it, and i think it should be played by a black woman, that does have this idea, howard’s song is wholly sympathy enducing which is not a bad thing either but my points still stand. why the fuck are you so pressed
i’m sorry you really don’t get it and i don’t further know how to explain this anymore. please reread the conversation a few times and maybe it’ll click
where did i say cast white women instead, where
i’m saying give black women and women of colour a chance to play the other roles so that women of colour are not solely those roles but are 3 dimensional and can be further humanised as all of these women
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