Afrikaans is an African language. It’s a creole language created by indigenous and enslaved people in the Western Cape and was only adopted by white people much, much later. Saying that it isn’t an African language erases its history and the people who created it
Here’s an article that explains this fully.
I’m just going to be linking other responses that explain this far better than I can:
A lot of people in these comments are gonna be shook when they discover Swahili is a combination of indigenous languages and Arabic borne out of East African & Arab trade

(Fully acknowledging Swahili doesn’t have as many similarities to Arabic as Afrikaans has to Dutch)
Idk what to tell you guys. Trade and colonialism had a massive influence on indigenous languages & the creation of new indigenous languages. A language formed through that process isn’t necessarily unAfrican when the people who formed it were African themselves
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