Another Thread: This is textbook institutional antisemitism. Momentum and it’s leaders should be ashamed. For two very clear reasons, both of which are deeply problematic:
1) Peake’s interview contained a lazy anti-Jewish conspiracy. This having been pointed out, led to Peake retracting it. The Amnesty International article citied by the petition was corrected, and Amnesty also offered a clarification...
...RBL didn’t apologise. She said she hadn’t noticed the anti-Jewish conspiratorial guff. We’ve been discussing these issues for 5 years nearly. It shouldn’t be that hard to spot anymore. That she couldn’t suggests she didn’t want to...
...this isn’t good for someone who wants to be in Government, a member of the Privy Council, to be so lazy in observing and staying well clear of anti-Jewish racism. Time was every tweet and statement would have been carefully considered to understand the impact...
2) This is a call to arms by Momentum in an incendiary factional battle. Having spent the last couple of months suggesting the “Right” weaponised antisemitism to battle the “Left”, their petition seeks to collect data from people who buy into the conspiracy theory...
...I’m not sure how they can, with a clear conscious, not see this as an attempt to use antisemitism for factional purposes. What is the end purpose, and how does this help what should be a collective goal to crush anti-Jewish and all forms of racism?...
...this is a self perpetuating cycle. Gather those who haven’t clocked how problematic anti-Jewish motifs are. Tell them that they aren’t problematic. Mobilise them into the Labour Party.
Meanwhile, EHRC.
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