On February 5, the Times dismissed the ban on Chinese citizens flying into the U.S. as an “extreme reaction” unwarranted by evidence—a “top-down decision” that could “morph into outright racism within the general population.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/05/opinion/china-travel-coronavirus.html
On February 6, the Daily Beast complained that ”Coronavirus, with zero American fatalities, is dominating headlines, while the flu is the real threat.” https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1225937322694381568
And let's not forget @voxdotcom. "Is this going to be a deadly pandemic?" Vox tweeted on January 31. "No." Since deleted but preserved here: https://twitter.com/RepGosar/status/1242625203844325376
Still waiting for the social science paper on the impact of this kind of article on the behavior of consumers of liberal media back when the virus was spreading exponentially in New York: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-spread.html Not holding my breath, though.
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