the timeline between bleachella and the reputation era is so blurry because in my head she vanished for the entire time in between the kimye incident and the rep era but actually she didn't vanish until a few months into 2017 because she still did so many things in 2016..........
like the kimye thing happened summer 2016 but she was still making loads of appearances and shows throughout the year, idwlf came out at the end of the year then at the beginning of 2017 she had the super bowel show and then it was after THAT she disappeared
meanwhile in my head it felt like she vanished pretty much as soon as all the shit went down and when she got together with jo, especially with the narrative that her songs tell..... it's literally muddled up my memory of 2016/2017 lmao
anyway there's literally no point to this thread other than me rambling about my dumbass memory LMAO
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