One way of looking at #SAGAFTRA's $318M contract with the AMPTP is as "record-breaking," as the union puts it.

But when you see the wage increases are only 2.5% (conditionally 3% in Y2 & Y3), you realize $318M could be seen differently:

The AMPTP may have "paid off" the union.
I don't mean it in a bribe sense. I mean it in this sense:

#SAGAFTRA loves prestige. Being able to tout a $318M contract makes them sound fantastic. Calling that figure "record-breaking" keeps one from gazing closely at the details.
Those details provide only 2.5% wage increases -- even amid this pandemic.

Sure, in Y2 & Y3, the union could decide they could be 3% increases instead. But that would be ignoring their facially endangered benefit plan funding.

Plus, in the past, they've never opted to take 3%.
So, the AMPTP may have been ready to blow a little more more money to make #SAGAFTRA "feel prestigious." If #SAGAFTRA got to "feel" that, then they might not feel compelled to bargain harder.
Increases in wages are one of the most evident ways #SAGAFTRA actors improve their living. Many actors, such as background actors and stand-ins, don't even qualify for residuals, a gain this tentative agreement trumpets.

It's hard for BG or SIs to get excited about it. Why?
Because there doesn't seem to be much added benefit for BG & SIs. It's a status quo agreement -- more of the same.

Unless you are a nude background actor. (?)

And if you're an LA BG, your class gets one more possible job … starting in Y2.
So don't let #SAGAFTRA's chant that its $318M deal is "record-breaking" distract you.

How will that large number actually affect you, if you only see another 2.5% increase in wages per year?

For me, it's great to see a wage increase. But this isn't a "record-breaking" increase.
Something to celebrate would be a wage increase across the board, unconditionally, above 3%.

4%? 5%? Esp. considering this is a pandemic with most members unemployed.

(Keep in mind #SAGAFTRA set its bargaining package in July 2019 -- way before any indication of a pandemic.)

If you're a BG or SI, why are you voting yes for #SAGAFTRA's tentative agreement, considering the other tweets in this thread?
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