A few thoughts about @Glinner and grooming
I've been groomed. I know how it's done and why. It is the process by which an abuser manipulates a vulnerable person into doing something against their interests.
What is especially wicked is that it's about tricking the vulnerable person into believing the abuse is normal and that they consent to it.

The shame and guilt that you "fell" for it is, for me, harder to deal with than the rape itself
There is a significant number of people out there who are encouraging vulnerable GNC kids (who will most likely grow up to be happy homosexuals) into transitioning.
"Don't tell your parents. We're your family now. Get tits early. You will be happy once you've transitioned."

etc etc. It's all been documented and we've all seen it.
The wicked thing about this is that none of it is in the children's interests. They are encouraging these young people to start a pathway that ends in loss of sexual and reproductive function, and has a high potential of severe and lifelong regret.
With the best will in the world, maybe some of these people think they're helping. But let's be realistic: what can a stranger know about some kid on the other side of the world who's questioning their gender?
We know that organisations like Mermaids want to transition every GNC kid they can get their hands on. The "affirmation-only model".
And because they wilfully ignore - and deprecate - other potential treatments such as talking therapies, the obvious conclusion is that they have an interest that goes far beyond, and indeed contrary, to the child's welfare.
And those ends are political. We know that Mermaids, along with Stonewall and Gendered Intelligence, are lobby groups. That they use children as pawns in their game. And that they do wicked things like misuse false suicide stats in direct contravention of Samaritans guidelines.
As I say, I know what it's like to be abused by someone in authority? It is about the most wicked and cowardly thing you can do. In CSA it's called grooming.

So, @Twitter, tell me: What *can* we call it?
Oh, and the final thing: my groomer and rapist was the headmaster / owner of my primary school. He is still there. His name is Jerry Sterling Stover, owner of Bruern Abbey School. @BruernAbbey

He still lives on the premises.
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