If commissioners don't want to listen to our advice because of our age or "inexperience," they should realize that we are one of the most (if not the most) socially and politically aware generations yet. We do our research, we listen to other voices... 1/? #GA224 https://twitter.com/lscanlon/status/1276835800886411265
We listen to other voices besides those of rich, white men. And I can almost GUARANTEE that we have done so much more learning and growing during the last month than those who get to vote on these issues. We aren't just "young," we aren't "inexperienced" when... 2/? #GA224
when it comes to social justice issues, such as police brutality, systemic racism, environmental issues, environmental justice, and the rights of the LGBTQIA+ (to whom one of our GREAT commissioners could only muster up a "all of those letters") community and... 3/? #GA224
other marginalized communities. We aren't just advising commissioners, we are TELLING them what the future holds, whether they want to act upon it now or want to go to bed before 10pm EST. We aren't going to let ourselves go unheard today. #GA224
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