One year ago today I heard a tiny little meow coming from under my house. My instinct was telling me that something was wrong even though everyone was saying it’s just scared it will come out. After more than 2 hours my mom and I pulled this sweet little baby out.
Her leg was tangled up in some plastic netting in the insolation. The circulation had been cut off for a while and it was 3 times the size of the other paws. I knew she’d never make it outside so I wrapped her in a blanket and took her to the vet.
The dr said they would have to take her leg but wanted to wait until she was a little bigger. The second visit her leg was infected and she was running a fever. It wasn’t looking good for my little girl. They gave her a shot and sent her home.
10 days later she was back at the vet. The infection had cleared up and she was gradually putting weight on that leg. The dr couldn’t believe how well she was doing. That’s when we got the good news that she may not lose her leg after all. They wrap it with a bandage that
helped it heal. 24 hours later the bandage came off and the healing was pretty quick from that point.
For a few days that paw looked pretty gross. Then a week later she had her last vet visit for that leg. The vet said unless it got infected again they wouldn’t need to see her again. She would keep her leg and be a happy healthy and spoiled little kitty. I posted this picture and
my friend @kmgkmgkmgkmg said with the white face and orange hair she looked like Lucy and the name stuck. Her leg still has a scar and a couple of toes that look crazy but she did regain most of the feeling and full use of the leg. She’s my miracle baby and we love her so much.
This is Lucy today. She’s enjoying her salmon breakfast. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already. She’s come so far from that scared injured tiny little baby. She’s wild playful and fearless now. She’s also sweet and loving. We couldn’t be happier to have her in the family
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