Results of a bottom-up interdisciplinary approach - COVID19 International analysis checklist -
(ACE) polymorphisms hypotheses - v5.0

Thank you to all contributors
For information - blood/loci: "In trans-ethnic meta-analyses for 15 hematological traits in 746,667 participants, including 184,535 non-EA individuals, we identified 5552 trait-variant associations, including 71 novel loci (not found in EA populations)"
"Haplotypesmarked as carriers contain the minor allele of rs10490770, which is in perfect LD in Eurasianpopulations with the leading risk polymorphisms. All carriers fall in a clade with the Neandertalgenomes."
(paper found thanks to @GeneticLifehack)
"The technology required, like being able to peer inside a single cell & see what proteins it’s making compared to its neighbours, has only evolved in the last few years. “(...) & that we’ll get there for this disease probably within the next decade.”"
Some nuance / alternative prism from @nanogenomic
(SNP = Single-nucleotide polymorphism - some background info :
As this thread includes the opinion of @nanogenomic - see this visual representation of SARS-COV-2 spike protein bound to ACE2 (red) with glycosylation (sugar modifications) on both proteins (video):
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