Hey comedians who pre-emptively tweeted “my eyes were opened by female friends telling me I was wrong”. You, an adult man, needed to be told getting women so drunk they can’t consent is wrong? Nah you’re just worried somethings going to come out. Hope it does ❤️❤️❤️
Also if they do fucking shows about this and MAKE MONEY OFF IT I see it as my civic duty to sit on the front row and moon throughout. Look I haven’t thought it through
I’ll stop now but one last thing: stop hiding behind it being “society” or that you “weren’t to know” my dad born in 1961 knows. My boyfriend knows. All my male friends know. You did know, didn’t you? Yeah. Ok back to tweeting stupid things about food and dogs now
when it’s seen as your Thing, I’m afraid you can’t pretend to not know that’s wrong. Also coercion is defined as “persuading an unwilling person to do something by force or using threats” so that wasn’t the BEST way to describe what you’ve been doing, perhaps
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