One of the great misogynistic talking point as always been that women should have children, that their entire identity and purpose is to be breeding stock. It often leads to infertile women to be seen as lesser, women who decide to have a career to be seen as selfish... (1/10)
It ties with abortion rights, arguing that women's bodies have a higher purpose, that being a mother is somehow sacred and part of what makes a woman...
Feminism's impact on society has been tremendous, not only for women's rights but also in tackling toxic masculinity, work culture, helping LGBT+ rights, etc...
Today, assholes are attacking women's rights through a different angle, they are targeting a minority of women, using dishonest arguments, fear mongering and using Transwomen as scarecrows.
But just think about what their arguments mean for ciswomen. Think about how fucked up it is to say that not being able to conceive means that you cannot be a women, that menstruation are part of what makes a woman, that being a mother is inherently part of womanhood. (5/10)
Think about how young transwomen having no autonomy over their body opens the door to young women not being able to have an abortion, or access to contraceptives. (6/10)
Think about how transphobes judge women on whether or not they "look male" and how it creates a dangerous territory for ciswomen looking less like the patriarchal beauty standard, creating a risk for them to be abused for “not looking feminine enough”. (7/10)
Think about how transphobes want women to be defined by their genitals and have sometimes-required inspections to “identify” transwomen. (8/10)
Feminism is all about reclaiming the rights and dignity that have been denied to women under the excuse of biology. It is about abolishing the idea that a woman’s worth is defined by her capability to procreate and that her body makes her “lesser”. (9/10)
To quote Simone de Beauvoir: “One is not born a woman, but becomes one”
Shared experiences of womanhood makes a woman. Not fertility.
Transwomen are Women. Trans rights are Human rights.
Go support trans people.
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