Thrilled that trans people will no longer have hate crime thrust into their timelines by one specific hate criminal gammon.
Might we reconsider "Banned from Twitter = Bad Person" though?
When i think of all the comrades & marginalised folks banned, it smarts.
Twitter is a deeply flawed & prejudiced platform and you do not get an equal shake at fairness in the rules.
So yes its worth celebrating a pure roaster getting kicked, but the generalisation that Twitter is finally some bastion of decency when it reproduces huge inequality isnt
For every golden yeeting of a toxic hate criminal, there are dozens of activists trying to get messages and organising out there who are prohibited from this site out of institutional racism, classism, radical politics etc.
Recently i saw a conflict journalist i admire who writes for independent media who does deep dives on nazis and fascists kicked from platform for making an in-joke about meeting a mutual "round the back of the bike sheds after school".
Lost literally dozens of Black Trans women mutuals to malicious reporting that got them perma banned for defending their own existence. Are they awful people too? No of course not, Twitter is a jamwank.
Its a happy day when you get rid of a hate criminal's platform entirely because they have to do sooooo much worse than anyone else to get suspended or banned.
But again, banned from twitter /= bad person.
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