Really useful data for Wandsworth here @WandsLS
51% of Wandsworth households own cycles - compared with 40% for one car and 9% for multiple cars. And yes, 18% of Wandsworth's roadspace is given over to parking.
Sadly, at just 38% of journeys Wandsworth's active travel modeshare is the lowest of inner London boroughs. Only 85% of residents walk 5 or more days a week, second lowest in inner London. Only 8% cycle and only 15% walk to work or school.
Wandsworth's challenge for September: 55% of secondary school children travel to school by bus, train or underground - and only 1% cycle. How will we make active travel safe for them?
32% of Wandsworth households have a driving licence but no car (yet). If we don't make active travel safe, there's a real danger that all these households will go out and buy cars... more congestion, worse air quality...
The scandal of second cars filling up Wandsworth streets when space for social distancing is at a premium - there are 12,984 of them, taking up a fifth of on-street parking. And remember Wandsworth has the most roadspace given over to parking of any London borough - a massive 18%
Compelling reasons for Wandsworth Council to get serious about changing our roads in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and why we should all get behind new low traffic neighbourhoods, pavement widening and strategic cycle routes.
You can follow @Wandscyclist.
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