(1/4) On 8th July I’m chopping off my waist length hair to above my shoulders for 2 amazing charities! I will donate the hair to the Little Princess Trust who makes wigs for children with cancer. Also asking for sponsership donations to go to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
(2/4) The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust was set up in light of Stephen Lawrence’s murder in a racist attack in 1993. The Trust gives young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the support and opportunites they need to succeed in life.
(3/4) Please take a read of my Just Giving page (link in my bio) for more information and donate if you can 🖤 The target is £846 in memory of George Floyd who was held down for 8 minutes 46 seconds. Please share this thread to help raise more money for an amazing cause.
You can follow @mollypainex.
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