#ActuallyAutistic I think about how one of the traits NTs assign to us is "rigid thinking." Yet Autistics, I find, are some of the quickest to shift their beliefs or stance if provided with facts and info that demands it. This is what I've observed from my own experiences: /1
There are definitely a lot of times I get stuck. It's like hitting this roadblock that I can't pass. Like a sticking point. A cognitive snag. Since no one but me can look inside my mind, it likely appears as though I'm stuck on nothing, & therefore I must have rigid thinking. /2
However, there are legitimate things that hold me back from progressing in thought in these moments, and these things can definitely be removed via addressing them head on with logical reason. /3
The problem is that most people, particularly NTs (tho other Autistics may also), perceive us as being difficult/defiant when that's not at all the case. Instead we're actively asking questions or navigating around this blockage, trying to gather the info we need to remove it. /4
We know where the blockage is or can reach the point we recognize it so we're trying to do the work to clear it. But when we ask specific questions that shift away from the topic, people assume we're not paying attention or not wanting to just comply or listen. /5
Our mental sticking points are NOT rigid thinking. Our sticking points come from hitting a disconnect in the logic of the topic at hand. We seek to repair it by finding the connection that would explain how two clashing things are both being considered valid by others. /6
Once we find that bridge, we easily move on. Rigid thinking seems to be more of a NT trait, where emotion often rules over logic and people choose to ignore facts in favor of keeping the homeostasis of their beliefs and thoughts. /7
Additional thought: this is not an exclusively an autistic thing, but what I think tends to make it stand out as rigid to others is often WHERE our hang ups happen. They tend to happen in more unexpected places, and this unexpectedness is something that our autistic minds cause.
----- Oh hey! apparently everyone who gets any attention on Twitter promotes things in their thread. This is new to me (the attention on Twitter thing), so Imma just do the thing other people do. https://twitter.com/WorldofZhen/status/1276989433141702657 Here's a new thread I wrote up about Autistic vs NT thought.
You can follow @WorldofZhen.
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