Allison Bailey is a black lesbian feminist barrister. The daughter of Jamaican immigrants, she was raised by a single mother and was the victim of child sexual abuse when she was nine. She marched on Pride in San Francisco in the early 90s and is a lifelong LGB activist... 1/7
Last year, an organisation tried to destroy @BluskyeAllison's career. It complained to her chambers because it didn't like her views. It elicited complaints against her from other organisations and directed them to her head of chambers. She was being openly victimised. 2/7
Which organisation persecuted a working-class, black, lesbian feminist barrister like this? Some lunatic racist outfit from the far right, maybe? The kind of body that can't cope with uppity black women like @BluskyeAllison and needs to destroy her? 3/7
That last part is certainly true, but the first part? It will surprise many people to learn that the organisation that targeted @BluskyeAllison and did its best to destroy her hard-won career was @stonewalluk. Yep, fluffy, benign Stonewall, the champion of diversity. 4/7
Not if you're guilty of wrong-think, it isn't. The truth is, Stonewall is an Orwellian organisation, with tentacles in every area of public and private life, policing those who dare dispute its central doctrine that a man with a beard and penis is a woman if he says he is. 5/7
And even though Stonewall is female-led (with a female CEO and chair), the dissidents it hates most of all are women – in this case, a black, working-class, lesbian woman who managed to create a brilliant career through her own hard work. 6/7
Sounds unbelievable? All the details are in @BluskyeAllison's crowdfunder. If you think @stonewalluk is a benign organisation, you're in for a rude awakening. Do make a donation if you can afford it
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