A policy an hour finds me a girl to shower:
As Mock President, the government will be radically changed to support the workers and unions who deserve to run this nation. This structure is what truly represents my Anarcho-Syndicalist platform.
First and foremost, we need to address the federal government. The current state we have now will only allow corrupt bureaucrats and the corporate elite to continue oppressing the people. While we the people suffer, the state and the corporate elite profit off our hard work.
This state, along with the corrupt establishment and the corporate elite will be rooted out from this nation and power will be restored to the people. Only then can America be called the nation that is For, Of and By the People.
As Mock President, I will initiate a transitional period where our nation will transformed into a society where the PEOPLE have the reigns of this nations path. In this thread, I will explain the GOAL I have and the transitional period will be another topic.
This society will not be headed by a corrupt state, rather the people. The people will be organized into communes (states) which will have roughly an equal population. These communes all will form a Confederation, a collection of the communes.
The Communes have more autonomy than current states do. The Confederation of Communes will be made up representatives elected by the Communes and will decide on laws that don't go against the will of the people. The confederation will also deal with matters such as:
National infrastructure, providing the resources for education and universities, hospitals and health, etc. I will go further in depth on my healthcare and education policies as a seperate topic.
This is an overview of my layout of government where power is LOCAL and not in the hands of a corrupt and centralized state.
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