#StayGoldMV is a piece of art, nothing less. The MV tells an intricate story, the kind that seems to contains several layers of understanding... and when you think you're done, gives you more to think about.
Here is what I see in this MV. Follow the thread!

The grey world of Stay Gold reminds me of one of those post-apocalyptic games where a disaster happened years ago and only ruins remain. A desolate place where nature is slowly creeping back. A place where you have no choice but to burn books to stay warm...

And yet there is this one source somewhere that can light up this dark world but you need to find it... this is your quest.
Same goes for the journey to the Self. I guess we already got a glimpse with the 7 album and photos from "Desire for Perfection" to "True Selves".

Stay Gold is on the Map of the Soul : The Journey album. If we stick to Jungian aspects, gold is the ultimate spiritual goal. It is the Self but with alchemy terminology in which Jung was versed too.
I found other alchemy aspects in this MV that I will share too.

If you didn't get any Fake Love vibe in this MV, take a second look at the corridor where JK runs in FL and the first scene of Stay Gold.
Same curtains, same corridor, same clothes.
JK is in the FL house AFTER it was destroyed...

What is interesting is the view from the window... do you see the buildings? Remind you of anything?
Yes! The ones that are in the Graphic Lyrics video we just had! And a reminder of the buildings that are outside in the Japanese version of BST too... same world?

Next is Yoongi in another ruined room and water is dripping. No more fire, it was washed away. Remember Yoongi in MMA 2019?

"Fire and water are inherent opposites and it is just this which causes rebirth" - Carl Jung

A tree is growing...


Anyone remembers the INU Japanese MV? Jin was sleeping on his bed of flowers. That was when BU started. The same bed appears in INU and the webtoon.
And Jin has his tired BU tired eyes...

Loads of water again! After the FL blast? Maybe.


Jin appears during Yoongi's verse...
Before I go any further, who realized that this is the pairing from the LY/SY tour VCR? Yoongi and Jin?

Namjoon is sitting in an elevator that is similar to the Dope one. The red color is worn out, but it does look familiar! The elevator does not go up though. It is locked from outside and stuck between two floors...
Maybe a metaphor for being trapped, a glass ceiling?🤔

When NJ looks up dead leaves are falling down. There is no rain this time. Autumn season? Maybe.
Remember the leaves falling down in HYYH Pt.1 intro and recently WAB: The Eternal? Those leaves yes!

Maybe the leaves falling are the effect of wind... AIR.

Another very interesting detail is the sand in his scene. The sand that we can find in FL, in INU (Japanese version), in the Answer Album photos, etc.
"Time flows like sand in an hourglass"
We have seen sand in an hourglass... multiple times!😅


Jimin is under a blanket... again (Serendipity!) but this time he is in a bus. I don't think it's the bus from No More Dream.
Looks like the clothes of everyone else are scattered on the seats! Reminds me of Spring Day MV...
But why is he alone in the bus?

The bus has been there for a while too... dust is piling in and some parts are broken. Yet, Jimin, just like the others does not go away. Trapped in the bus...
No wind, no water, no fire, only dust. And dust is Earth in alchemy.

Jimin appears during Namjoon's verse...
Jimin and Namjoon are yet another pairing from the LY/SY tour VCR!

Tae is in Yoongi's Fake Love room, looks very similar, up to the lighting. But Tae has tons of books in this room and he is setting them aflame... which is why we have tiny bits of paper falling down.
Burning books to keep warm or because they did not help him out?

So we have seen the 4 elements from Alchemy: Water, Air, Fire and Earth. They were all there in different scenes but there is definitely alchemy present here!
We have seen the four alchemy elements symbols before recently, in the epic ON MV, behind Yoongi.

There is another clue in that room that the camera focuses on... the rope. Why is it there? I don't know.
Have we seen another one before? Yes! In the concept photos for 7!
Why is that rope there? I don't know either... 😅


Hobi is in a kitchen that looks like the BST kitchen (Japanese version) but like decades after that actually happened. The one where Jin fights with Tae, remember?
There is another kitchen in the Jimin/Namjoon SY VCR but the blender tells me it's the BST kitchen.

If you look closely at the room, there is not one single appliance that is working or could work. The place has long been forgotten and plants have started growing in the sink...

When Tae closes his eyes, we switch to the perfect image in his mind. It is not real and the camera work tells us that this is different. We go full screen when he "dreams".
All 7 are there... a happy dream is being all together!💜

This is a perfect vision. The dream place inside his mind. His magic shop. The headphones and tv are not from our day and time. We are out of time.
The tiny bits of burning paper from Tae's room are here little paper butterflies falling...

Jin reads A Midsummer's Night Dream, one of Shakespeare's classics. A tale of magic, illusions vs reality, dreams, love... one where reality blends with the fantasy world. I guess this perfectly fits the MV we got for Stay Gold. I love this play!

This reminds me of last year's Festa and Epiphany of course... Jin, what are you reading and learning in that Shakespeare book? That magic does not solve everything? That illusions eventually disappear or that everything is but a dream?

There are elements we have seen before though.
The Jenga is back again! Why is that game so important?
Maybe it somehow illustrates balance, how one piece being moved can cause the downfall of the whole tower.


The door in Tae's dream is the one from which JK comes out in Festa... Then maybe the Festa door leads to their own special place, their inner Magic Shop.

Why does everything always go through the key hole? This is the first view we get of gold coming in.
Remember Fake Love and the MAMA VCR we got in 2018? Keyhole again...


The gold particles start to come in... If you ever watched any movie with fairies and magic, including the 1999 Midsummer's Night Dream version, this is how magic is shown to come in.

JK switches to the dream world but the set is different this time. It's no longer bits of paper/tiny butterflies but gold specks falling.
It's not the same person dreaming. Before it was Tae, remember? Yet one thing is consistent. They are 7.


The coat JK had was very similar to the one he had in the SY VCR... another dream/not real world, remember?

Did anyone think that the dog was from BTSW? I did. 😅
It's not the same dog of course, but my mind went straight to that one.

Just like my mind went straight to the "For You" motorbike when I saw Yoongi on that red vespa, but it's not the same brand.😜

Jimin looks like he is just outside Serendipity's window. He was always pictured sitting inside, never outside. The contrast between the two is somehow relevant. There was no color in the Serendipity room apart from yellow and the window was closed...

Usually, Jin and Tae are pictured as opposite sides. Here in this dream world, they are playing together. It is JK's dream after all!

Back to the grey world. Have you noticed that the gold specks come from above? They all lift up their heads. The only way is to go up, to rise. And this is what Jin does going up the stairs.
Remember ON mv, going up the mountain?

I find very interesting how the hole in the ceiling is always there in different forms throughout eras.
O!RUL8,2? Comeback Trailer, FL, Dionysus sets, 7 concept photos, Black Swan Set, and now the same hole in Yoongi's "room" with the golden specks this time.

Anyone remembers the Black Swan CB set or FL comeback set? Both were ruined houses!!!
Stay Gold is after the disaster, after everything was ruined because life is coming back again.

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