Noah's Characters Drink, A Thread
(starting with punch in a SOLO cup)
Wine in a tumbler
Pilfered whiskey (the line was drawn above where the whiskey starts anyway)
These are jello shots.
Starting off Opening Day of Cabaret with flat champagne sounds like a good idea.
I'm glad he got a beer in before Rachel showed up
Man's Best Friend Beer while watching baseball at your fiance's place ftw
Kevin knew what was up
Remember that time Noah was almost in Tap House? Is it still too late?
This is an important question to ask when you're drinking and have 20 minutes to kill...
When in Europe
This masterpiece needs to be all by itself
That time when Stock Burton's girlfriend's dad got him drunk
JJ in Buffaloed is my dream brother
Matty. Matttttyyyyyy.
The Cliff and the Road. My fingers are still crossed for this one to me released.
The one second clip where we get to see Noah drink a 40.
If, after getting struck by lightning, I learned that I had the ability to move objects three inches, I'd be at the bar drinking too.
But after teaming up with a bunch of other weird superhero-type mutants, it's a bonus when you learn they like to drink beer too.
Harry Widener took advantage of his first class status aboard the Titanic
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