Whenever I hear cishet white abled neurotypical dudes saying "Oh yeah [marginalized group] don't even really play games" I look at all the marginalized people are marginalized in some way who end up being one of if not the best in the world at a given game.
How many transgender speedrunners are there? How many queer no hit runners are there? How many fighting game champions are poc? Despite often having more barriers than a lot of their privileged competitors they're there, succeeding.
Often below the level they're at too I end up seeing some fuckheads who seem to think they're better despite obviously being worse, who have to attack their competitor's identity since they can't attack their talent easily. Like B tier fuckheads sniping at S tier players.
Honestly, if someone is still into these games and communities after all the bigotry they face, after all the gatekeeping, after having to work harder for the same recognition, they obviously love the games far more than those chucklefucks.
You know instead of being fucking mad that someone you see as "Inherently inferior" to you is actually far better than you, you could work on bettering yourself. But why do that when you can make excuses to hide from why you're losing and they're winning.
And for the record, someone shouldn't have to be the best in the world to be valued, to have worth, to be recognized for who they are. But often we feel so much pressure to prove ourselves, to get recognition, to work ourselves dogged, to get even some basic fucking respect.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to say this sort of shit and I certainly won't be last. I'm fucking tired of it.
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