I see a lot of very earnest confusion from people I follow along the lines of "wow I can't believe we are handling this pandemic response so poorly, what happened?" I fear that maybe you haven't been paying sufficient attention over the last maybe 8 years.
Ok, more years than that. We have ceased to function as a country. We decided that history had ended after the wall fell. So we outsourced all of our manufacturing and did coke and ecstasy and pretended like we gave a fuck about what happened next.
And we got so wrapped up in pretending that our little utopia bubble could last forever that we started to believe it was real. We invented outrages. We performed.
We entertained ourselves by being needlessly brutal to each other under the guise of raising awareness or promoting causes we didn't actually care about but fed our bottomless need for approval.
And if you're saying now earnestly "no, I'm one of the good people" you are sadly mistaken. You are being used. By this website, by Tucker Carlson, by AOC, by Brookings, by Heritage, by Trump, and by any Clinton who happens by.
And we lost the fucking plot.

Actual misery in this world exists. In El Salvador, in the Phillipines, in Haiti. Any random person in any of these countries would do drastic things to be you, even if whom you happen to be is marginalized, and the word just sounds so fake here.
We should be ashamed of ourselves to the core. We have everything. Show some fucking shame.
The pandemic response is entirely predictable. The emperor has no clothes.
Here's the good news. I can say this here and be pretty sure that nobody will kidnap me under the cover of nightfall and throw me in a cell or put one in my dome and throw my sad corpse in a ditch.
And this is something somehow we take for granted. It's an illusion. It's hanging by the thinnest of threads.

Be an adult. Stop your nonsense here.
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