There are SO MANY convos that can happen thru this. One of the main ones being that Cleveland’s character is not just a Black man played by a white person. Cleveland had a WHOLE SHOW that supposedly was Black culture. Making FUN of Black culture.
I see a lot of people being like “a parapalegic should play Joe” and it’s like okay well... yes and Seth MacFarlane should also stop making literal jokes out of marginalized people??? That’s *literally* the premise of Family Guy.
Cleveland’s wife, Donna is a Black woman who is thick. The kids are Black and they’re *intentionally* portrayed as being ghetto and loud because that’s what Blackness is to Seth MacFarlane and writers.
It’s the use of Ebonics. It’s the fact that Alex Bornstein deepened her voice to play Loretta, Cleveland’s wife who cheated, to portray her as less feminine. It’s *all* of that. There’s so much... idk who is going to write the Family Guy essay but there’s a lot of unpacking there
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