Blessed Saxons, hark! For what I say is to be just, right and true; The Age of Black is in haste and nears its fabled end. For much too long the Saxons of the world have lost touch with Natural Law and the Divine.
For this they have rapidly deteriorated not only spiritually but physically and mentally to a state of self-dereliction. These conditions will continue to worsen until horrors beyond our human comprehension usher in coming of The White Horse.
The horrors that we have experienced thus far pale in comparison to the ills that we will suffer yet to come. Unnatural Law has shepherded our folk astray for many centuries, what little true Noble Saxon blood has run blue among our men has been nearly all but depleted.
Barbarism, savagery, filth and degeneracy rot our lands to the very core. Those meant to eagerly protect, instead passively deliberate behind closed doors, each day the horrors get worse and worse.
While more and more terrors are unleashed with ill refrain to commit atrocities throughout all of our fair lands. And lo, our folk have endured many wounds, many insults, and many grievous injuries.
If our folk are to experience any remedy to the ails of our suffering then we must give Natural Law it's right dues.

Our Noble Folk have endured many egregious wounds, many trecherous betrayals often times at the hands of False Shepards.
Our kith and kin so often butchered on the Alter of False-Progress, if we as a folk are to experience any relief to our collective ails, we must give Natural Law her just deserveds!
For with our grandeur decadence, greed, & gluttony we have earned the misery that has been wrought upon us, and if we are truly to find salvation we must find the remedy within Natural Law. Hark!
For it is known that a great crime must necessitate a great punishment, and that a great fire much necessitate much water, if that fire is to be quenched.
It is with most importance that every Pure of Heart, Noble and Honest Saxon of Right Mind henceforth eagerly find the Way and heed Natural Law.
In Non-Abrahamic lands the worshippers give all their devotion and worldy adore to their idols, yet here we Unawakened Saxons give our Gods nothing, and regard Natural Law as antithetical to civility.
In Non-Abrahamic lands one does not reject anything brought to the Gods as an offering, and one does not chastise for being in accordance with Natural Law.
Everywhere one would look, our Forests have been destroyed, our Mountains have been flattened, our Rivers have been turn into sludge. Our sacred grounds have been desecrated, our burial grounds turned into parking lots.
Hark! For what I say is just & true; these grievances must & WILL be remedied for Natural Law's dues have diminished far too long in every Saxon household for far too long.
Our family structure has been destroyed, wives divorce husbands for naught a fair reason, men divorce their wives for naught a fair reason, while our kin are left in broken single mother homes, impoverished and unloved.
Poor Saxon children are betrayed, humiliated, broken, & domesticated by institutions largely in the control of Yiddish Gangsters. Saxon boys are enslaved into wageslavery and debt entrapment by means of usury, our countries are strangled and rotten to the core.
All the just and unalienable rights of Citizens, that is freemen, are restricted or greatly curtailed. Citizens do not have any sovereignty over their own bodies, they may not go where they freely wish.
They may not work on their property as they so desire, nor may they conduct trade as they wish to. Injustice has become the law, and lawlessness has become dear to those who wish to shepherd us astray.
Natural Law is reviled and living in accordance with it is despised, therefore we all suffer under Natural Law for we do not live in accordance to it. You may not believe me, and surely you may not find out until it is too late.
Saxon society has not been truly prosperous for a long time, we have been subject to population devastation, brother wars, culture war, mass immigration, cultural decay, overpopulation, and the absolute rot of humanity in every district in which Saxons reside for too long.
Outlanders stealing, raping, and slaying, bringing with them plague and pestilence, rotting the heart of our Saxon institutions, by barbaric people who wish only to see us destroyed, and to burn under our own unnatural institutions.
Usurers have ravaged us and brought us to our knees, for not a free Saxon exist who he is not in debt. Excessive corrupt taxes have afflicted us, with no return being seen in any corner of our lands, being stuffed into the coffers of cosmopolitan elites.
For many, many decades the Saxon societies have been facing injustices and betrayals from within their own homes. Nowadays, Saxons do not spare his fellow Saxons any more readily than he would an outlander.
Nor does the father more readily spare his children over the children of an outlander. Nor does the brother more quickly raise to protect his own brother more than an outlander.
These unawakened Saxons have not ordered their life according to Natural Law, for they must observe that family is the highest virtue! Respect in mutual earnest has been lost, nor is there any fraternity between brothers!
Everyone has deceived, betrayed, or injured another by his words or deeds though, almost everyone has unjustly betrayed his Saxon brothers, even ye who reads this, continue down this path if you may.
For the State has no loyalty to its land or its folk, and the so called Lords of these lands betray their folk in various ways. The greatest betrayal of all, being the Foreign Lord drives a man off his ancestral home bequeathed to him by his ancestors.
Saxon men have been being bought and sold out our lands for too long now, and this entirely out of accordance with our tribal Natural Law, let all ye who hear this understand.
We can see all over our communities where this has occurred, and it is too shameful to speak of the extent of what has been and continues to be wrought upon on our communities.
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