Hot take: stop using the “if you played the game for *this long* bit to defend ACNH so damn hard. The game is meant to played *how you want to play it* and no I didn’t grind this game like a damn RPG how do you even grind in a game like this? It’s not enough
Don’t get me wrong I love the game. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have spent so much time on it. It’s beautiful and I think once we get all those beautiful updates THATS when people definitely can’t say there’s no enough content but it’s not right now lol
Hot take again, if it was enough for you, I’m so glad! I’m glad you got what you wanted out of the game. Saying “it’s not enough, I’m burnt out” is not entitlement. Us finally getting these updates we wanted so bad and being ungrateful for those, THAT is entitlement.
And ACNH isn’t all I play. No where near done with my island at all, there’s a lot I’ve not finished in this game but there’s nothing going on in it that’s convincing me to pick the game back up. Not right now at least. I play a lot of other games
But ACNH has become so de-prioritized for me for a lack of things that are interesting for me to do. For example, I’m not enticed by the fishing or bug catching aspect. I’m just not. I never was. Not even in new leaf, but in new leaf it didn’t matter cuz there was
Plenty else to do and you could actually have fun with multiplayer, the multiplayer aspect in ACNH is pretty lackluster. I’m not really going to bitch about the events. The rewards are pretty nice I just wish they weren’t so long I feel like there’s no need for them to be that
Long. Honestly I feel like if they actually did something with the multiplayer aspect that alone would make me completely rescind this thread
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