More than a decade ago, when the mispurposed, underinformed 'social justice' slacktivism started, I made an oh-FFS blogpost about actors. More than a decade on, it seems soi-disant righteous morons out there still don't get it. So let me try again.
Loudly and slowly, for the hard of thinking at the back:












This is what an actor *IS*. Not a role model. Not a perfect representation of real life.

Grow. The. Fuck. Up.
Because if you *don't* grow the fuck up, you're not only beyond thick, you're beyond hypocritical. Because you'r e not insisting on fairness all around. Casting for a serial killer? Cast only a serial killer. Casting for a 25y.o.? Only cast a 25y.o....
...and so on and so on, right down to aliens and zombies. And good luck with that, eh?

And no, it's not 'different'. The principle is the same. AN ACTOR IS A PERSON WHO PLAYS SOMEONE THEY ARE NOT. Catch yourselves on before the REAL bad guys...
...push back so hard that we'll lose all the GENUINE social justice that so many of us have been working towards for several generations. And oh, they will. So stop playing the bullshit puerile holier-than-thou SJW cards...
...and try LIVING some real social justice, by treating people as people, no matter what colour their skin is. I've been doing that all my days so far and have no intention of stopping. And here's a tip: if you have 'friends' or family that...
...think people with different skin colours should be treated differently (where 'differently' = 'worse'), and you can't talk them out of their stupid poisonous mindset, then divorce them. Ghost them. Shun them. Cut them cold. Otherwise...'re a coward. Full stop. But then, internet 'activism' is, with very few exceptions, cowardice on a plate. It requires no real investment. Go out and live better, and if you can't, then shove your lying tweeny prescriptivism you know where.
For all I know, I might get thrown off Twitter for pointing this out. I might lose followers. If the latter, I've no words for my disappointment in those of you I thought were made of better stuff... but I'm going to press Tweet All now anyway.
You can follow @indoors_remain.
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